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HR Essentials

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    Who is this program for

    This Program would be beneficial for team members in HR, Compliance, Admin, Legal and Executives managing HR Essentials and Employee related matters.

    Any graduate

    Min 6 months

    Early, Mid or Advance all can do

    Achieving higher career growth in HR Essentials and Employee related matters.

    Explore our Syllabus

    What you will learn: By the end of the course, participants should have a comprehensive understanding of payroll management, statutory compliance, and the skills needed to effectively navigate the challenges associated with these areas in a professional setting. Practical exercises, case studies, and real-world examples may be integrated to enhance the learning experience.

    • Overview of HR Management
      • Definition and importance
      • Key functions and responsibilities of HR
    • Role of an HR Generalist
      • Understanding the HR generalist role
      • Skills and competencies required
    • HR Department Structure
      • Organizational structure of HR departments
      • Collaboration with other departments
    Module a: Introduction to Talent Acquisition
    • Overview of Talent Acquisition
        • Definition and importance
        • Difference between talent acquisition and recruitment
    • Role of a Talent Acquisition Specialist
      • Key responsibilities and competencies
      • Skills required for success
    Module b: Workforce Planning and Strategy
    • Understanding Workforce Planning
        • Importance of workforce planning
        • Steps in the workforce planning process
    • Trends and Ratios in Workforce Planning
        • Identifying current trends in the labor market
        • Using ratios for effective workforce planning
    • Developing Talent Acquisition Strategies
        • Aligning talent acquisition with business goals
        • Techniques to ensure strategic alignment
    • Market and Competitor Analysis
      • Conducting market research
      • Analyzing competitor strategies
      • Using data for competitive analysis
    Module c: Detailed Sourcing Techniques
    • Introduction to Sourcing
        • Importance of sourcing in talent acquisition
        • Overview of different sourcing methods
    • Passive Sourcing
        • Identifying and engaging passive candidates
        • Techniques for building relationships with passive talent
    • LinkedIn Sourcing
        • Advanced search techniques on LinkedIn
        • Using LinkedIn Recruiter and other tools
        • Engaging with candidates on LinkedIn
    • GitHub Sourcing
        • Understanding GitHub as a platform
        • Techniques for sourcing developers on GitHub
        • Analyzing GitHub profiles and contributions
        • GitHub chrome tools
        • Github bulk scraping
    • Custom Search Engines (CSE)
        • Creating and using CSE for talent searches
        • Popular CSE sites and how to use them
        • Benefits and limitations of CSE
    • Chrome Extensions and Tools
        • Popular Chrome extensions for sourcing (e.g., LinkedIn Recruiter, Hunter, Lusha)
        • How to install and use these tools effectively
    • Web Scrapers
        • Introduction to web scraping for sourcing
        • Tools and techniques for web scraping (e.g., Octoparse, ParseHub)
        • Ethical considerations in web scraping
    • X-Ray Search Techniques
        • Understanding X-Ray searches for social media and websites
        • Performing X-Ray searches on LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, GitHub, and more
        • Crafting effective X-Ray search strings
    • Social Media Sourcing
      • Utilizing LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, GitHub, and other platforms for sourcing
      • Best practices for social media sourcing
      • Engaging with potential candidates on social media
    Module d: Recruitment Marketing
    • Designing Recruitment Campaigns
        • Creating compelling job ads
        • Utilizing multimedia and content marketing
    • Digital and Social Media Marketing
        • Using social media for recruitment
        • Search engine optimization (SEO) for job postings
        • Techniques for effective SEO in recruitment
    • Candidate Engagement
      • Engaging passive candidates
      • Building relationships with potential candidates
    Module e: Selection Process
    • Screening and Shortlisting
        • Resume screening techniques
        • Using applicant tracking systems (ATS)
    • Interviewing Techniques
        • Structured and unstructured interviews
        • Behavioral and competency-based interviewing
    • Assessment and Testing
      • Pre-employment assessments and tests
      • Evaluating candidate skills and fit
    Module f: Candidate Experience
    • Importance of Candidate Experience
        • Impact on employer brand
        • Enhancing the candidate journey
    • Communication and Feedback
        • Best practices for candidate communication
        • Providing constructive feedback
    • Onboarding New Hires
      • Designing an effective onboarding process
      • Integration and engagement of new employees
    Module g: Diversity and Inclusion in Talent Acquisition
    • Understanding DEI
        • Importance of diversity, equity, and inclusion
        • Legal and ethical considerations
    • Developing DEI Strategies
        • Creating inclusive job descriptions
        • Implementing unbiased recruitment practices
    • Promoting an Inclusive Culture
      • Strategies to foster an inclusive work environment
      • Addressing unconscious bias and promoting awareness
    Module h: Metrics and Analytics in Talent Acquisition
    • Key Metrics and KPIs
        • Tracking and measuring recruitment performance
        • Common talent acquisition metrics
    • Using Data for Decision Making
        • Leveraging analytics to improve recruitment strategies
        • Predictive analytics in talent acquisition
    • Reporting and Continuous Improvement
      • Creating and presenting recruitment reports
      • Using feedback for continuous improvement
    Module i: Technology and Talent Acquisition
    • Recruitment Technologies
        • Overview of applicant tracking systems (ATS)
        • Utilizing HR software and tools
    • Artificial Intelligence and Automation
        • Role of AI in talent acquisition
        • AI tools for sourcing, screening, and engagement (e.g., HireVue, Pymetrics,
        • Automating repetitive recruitment tasks
    • Generative AI and ChatGPT
        • Introduction to generative AI and its applications in recruitment
        • Using ChatGPT for candidate engagement, sourcing, and screening
        • Best practices for implementing generative AI in talent acquisition
    • Social Media and Digital Tools
        • Leveraging digital tools for recruitment
        • Emerging technologies in talent acquisition
    • Recruitment Dashboards
      • Designing and using recruitment dashboards
      • Key metrics to include in dashboards
      • Tools for creating and managing dashboards (e.g., Tableau, Power BI)
    Employee Engagement and Retention
    • Drivers of Employee Engagement
      • Job Satisfaction
        • Understanding the role of job satisfaction in engagement
        • Factors contributing to job satisfaction (work environment, job role, etc.)
      • Leadership and Management
        • The impact of leadership style on employee engagement
        • Best practices for effective management and leadership
      • Recognition and Rewards
        • Importance of recognizing and rewarding employees
        • Different types of recognition programs (monetary, non-monetary)
      • Career Development
        • Opportunities for growth and development as a driver of engagement
        • Creating career development plans for employees
      • Work-Life Balance
        • The importance of work-life balance in maintaining engagement
        • Implementing flexible work arrangements and policies
      • Communication and Feedback
        • Role of transparent and open communication
        • Establishing regular feedback mechanisms
    • Measuring and Improving Engagement
      • Employee Engagement Surveys
        • Designing and administering surveys to measure engagement
        • Key questions to include in engagement surveys
      • Focus Groups and Interviews
        • Conducting focus groups and interviews to gather qualitative data
        • Analyzing responses for actionable insights
      • Engagement Metrics and Analytics
        • Identifying key metrics to track engagement (e.g., employee NPS, turnover rates)
        • Using analytics tools to interpret data and identify trends
      • Action Planning
        • Developing action plans based on survey results and feedback
        • Implementing and tracking improvements
      • Continuous Improvement
        • Regularly updating engagement strategies based on feedback
        • Ensuring ongoing monitoring and adjustment
    • Engagement Models
      • The Aon Hewitt Engagement Model
        • Engagement Drivers
          • Employee value proposition, work environment, rewards and recognition, career opportunities
        • Engagement Outcomes
          • Say, Stay, Strive model: Employees speak positively about the organization, desire to remain, and put in extra effort
      • The Gallup Q12 Model
        • 12 Key Drivers of Engagement
          • Includes factors such as having the right materials and equipment, feeling cared for by managers, and opportunities for growth
      • The Zinger Model
        • Ten Blocks of Engagement
          • Building blocks such as community, meaningful work, and recognition
    • Types of Engagement Activities
      • Downward Engagement
        • Leadership Communication
          • Regular updates from leadership on company goals and performance
          • Town hall meetings, newsletters, and executive Q&A sessions
        • Feedback Mechanisms
          • Surveys, suggestion boxes, and direct feedback channels
      • Upward Engagement
        • Employee Voice Programs
          • Platforms for employees to share ideas and concerns
          • Involving employees in decision-making processes
        • Mentorship Programs
          • Pairing employees with mentors to provide guidance and support
      • Horizontal Engagement
        • Team Building Activities
          • Activities that promote teamwork and collaboration
          • Social events, team challenges, and group projects
        • Cross-Functional Projects
          • Encouraging collaboration between different departments
          • Projects that require input and cooperation from various teams
    • Retention Strategies
      • Identifying Retention Risks
        • Recognizing early signs of disengagement and turnover risk
        • Using data and analytics to identify at-risk employees
      • Developing Retention Programs
        • Creating targeted retention programs for high-risk groups
        • Strategies for increasing loyalty and reducing turnover
      • Mentorship and Career Development
        • Implementing mentorship programs to support employee growth
        • Providing clear career progression paths
    • Employee Value Proposition (EVP)
      • Creating a Compelling EVP
        • Defining the key elements of an EVP
        • Aligning the EVP with organizational values and culture
      • Communicating and Promoting EVP
        • Effectively communicating the EVP to current and prospective employees
        • Using EVP in recruitment marketing and employer branding
      • Measuring the Impact of EVP
        • Assessing the effectiveness of the EVP in attracting and retaining talent
        • Continuously refining the EVP based on feedback and results
    Onboarding Employee Onboarding Process
    1. Pre-Onboarding Preparation
      • Paperwork and Documentation
        • Collecting necessary documents (e.g., ID proof, employment contracts, tax forms)
        • Setting up employee profiles in HR systems
      • Welcome Kit
        • Preparing a welcome kit (company handbook, benefits information, company swag)
        • Providing necessary equipment and access credentials (e.g., laptop, email accounts)
    2. Day One Orientation
      • Introduction to the Company
        • Company history, mission, values, and culture
        • Overview of organizational structure and key personnel
      • Workplace Tour
        • Familiarizing new hires with the office layout, facilities, and amenities
      • Meeting the Team
        • Introducing new hires to their colleagues and managers
        • Conducting team-building activities to facilitate integration
    3. Training and Development
      • Initial Training Sessions
        • Job-specific training and role expectations
        • Overview of tools and systems used
      • Compliance and Safety Training
        • Mandatory compliance training (e.g., data protection, workplace safety)
        • Company policies and procedures
      • Buddy System
        • Assigning a mentor or buddy to new hires for support and guidance
        • Regular check-ins and feedback sessions with the buddy
    4. 30-60-90 Day Plan with SMART Goals
      • 30-Day Plan
        • Orientation and Learning
          • Learning about the company, culture, and job responsibilities
          • Setting short-term goals for initial learning and adaptation
        • SMART Goals
          • Specific: Complete all mandatory training sessions
          • Measurable: Attend and pass all compliance tests
          • Achievable: Schedule one-on-one meetings with team members
          • Relevant: Understand the company’s mission and values
          • Time-bound: Achieve within the first 30 days
      • 60-Day Plan
        • Integration and Contribution
          • Beginning to contribute to team projects and meetings
          • Developing relationships with colleagues and stakeholders
        • SMART Goals
          • Specific: Participate in at least two team projects
          • Measurable: Contribute to team meetings with actionable ideas
          • Achievable: Schedule regular check-ins with the manager
          • Relevant: Apply job-specific skills learned during training
          • Time-bound: Achieve within the first 60 days
      • 90-Day Plan
        • Independence and Performance
          • Taking full ownership of job responsibilities
          • Demonstrating competence and achieving performance benchmarks
        • SMART Goals
          • Specific: Complete a major project or task independently
          • Measurable: Meet or exceed performance benchmarks
          • Achievable: Receive positive feedback from the manager
          • Relevant: Contribute to achieving team objectives
          • Time-bound: Achieve within the first 90 days
    5. Ongoing Support
      • Regular Check-ins
        • Scheduling regular check-ins with managers and buddies
        • Addressing any questions or concerns
      • Continuous Feedback
        • Providing continuous feedback on performance and progress
        • Adjusting goals and expectations as needed
    6. Feedback and Evaluation
      • Collecting Feedback
        • Gathering feedback from new hires on their onboarding experience
      • Evaluating Onboarding Effectiveness
        • Measuring the success of the onboarding program
        • Making improvements based on feedback
    Employee Exit Process
    1. Resignation and Termination Procedures
      • Resignation Process
        • Accepting resignations and processing paperwork
        • Ensuring a smooth transition for the departing employee
      • Termination Process
        • Conducting terminations with sensitivity and legality
        • Managing the administrative aspects of termination
    2. Exit Interviews
      • Conducting Exit Interviews
        • Scheduling and conducting exit interviews
        • Asking relevant questions to gather meaningful feedback
      • Analyzing Feedback
        • Identifying patterns and trends in exit interview data
        • Using feedback to improve organizational practices
    3. Knowledge Transfer
      • Ensuring Continuity
        • Transferring knowledge and responsibilities to remaining team members
        • Documenting key information and processes
      • Succession Planning
        • Implementing succession plans for critical roles
        • Identifying and preparing potential successors
    4. Final Settlements
      • Processing Final Pay and Benefits
        • Calculating and disbursing final paychecks
        • Managing benefits termination and transition
      • Returning Company Property
        • Collecting company property (e.g., laptops, access cards)
        • Ensuring all assets are returned
    5. Post-Exit Follow-Up
      • Maintaining Alumni Relations
        • Keeping in touch with former employees
        • Leveraging alumni networks for future opportunities
    Employee Grievance Management   Introduction to Grievance Management
    • Definition and Importance
      • Understanding what constitutes a grievance
      • Importance of effective grievance management
    • Types of Grievances
      • Common grievances in the workplace (e.g., discrimination, harassment, unfair treatment)
    Grievance Management Framework
    • Framework Overview
      • Steps involved in the grievance management process
      • Roles and responsibilities of HR and management
    • Establishing a Grievance Policy
      • Key components of an effective grievance policy
      • Communicating the policy to employees
    • Grievance Procedures
      • Formal and informal grievance procedures
      • Step-by-step process for handling grievances
    Grievance Handling Process
    • Step 1: Receiving a Grievance
      • Methods for lodging a grievance (e.g., written, verbal)
      • Initial response and acknowledgment
    • Step 2: Investigation
      • Conducting a thorough and unbiased investigation
      • Collecting and documenting evidence
    • Step 3: Resolution
      • Evaluating findings and determining appropriate actions
      • Communicating the resolution to the involved parties
    • Step 4: Follow-Up
      • Monitoring the situation post-resolution
      • Ensuring no retaliation and checking for ongoing issues
    Grievance Handling Committee
    • Role and Composition
      • Purpose and importance of a grievance handling committee
      • Selecting committee members (HR, management, employee representatives)
    • Committee Responsibilities
      • Reviewing grievances and ensuring fair investigation
      • Making recommendations for resolution
    • Committee Procedures
      • Regular meetings and case review processes
      • Ensuring confidentiality and impartiality
    Legal Aspects of Grievance Management
    • Understanding Employment Laws
      • Key employment laws relevant to grievance management (e.g., anti-discrimination laws, labor laws)
      • Legal rights and protections for employees
    • Compliance and Documentation
      • Maintaining proper documentation for legal compliance
      • Handling grievances in accordance with legal requirements
    • Role of Legal Counsel
      • When to involve legal counsel in the grievance process
      • Understanding the implications of legal advice and decisions
    Best Practices in Grievance Management
    • Building a Positive Workplace Culture
      • Promoting open communication and trust
      • Encouraging early resolution of issues
    • Training and Development
      • Providing training for managers and HR on handling grievances
      • Developing skills for effective conflict resolution
    • Continuous Improvement
      • Regularly reviewing and updating grievance policies and procedures
      • Gathering feedback to improve the grievance management process
    Case Studies and Practical Applications
    • Analyzing Real-World Scenarios
      • Examining case studies of grievance handling
      • Lessons learned from successful and unsuccessful grievance resolutions
    Indian Payroll & Taxation Program Course Syllabus Module 1: Overview of Payroll Management
    • Payroll Management Fundamentals
      • HR planning, employee transfer, and increment process
      • Income under the head salaries u/s 17(1) of Income Tax Act 1961
      • Salary components: fixed and variable, bonus, fees, commission, overtime payments
      • Payroll administration setup, CTC structure, taxable and non-taxable payments
    Module 2: Labour Law Statutory Compliances & Computation
    • Employee Provident Fund (PF)
      • Covered establishments, PF wages, contribution accounts, deposit dates
    • Employee State Insurance (ESI)
      • Covered establishments, wage limits, contribution rates, periods
    • Professional Tax (PT)
      • Applicability, state-wise slabs, calculator, payment, and registration
    • Labor Welfare Fund (LWF)
      • Applicability, state-wise rates, deposit procedures
    • Statutory Bonus and Gratuity
      • Applicability and computation
    Module 3: Tax Calculation, Tax Saving Investments, Deductions, and Exemptions
    • Tax Deduction at Source (TDS)
      • Income tax, slabs, and computation
    • Deductions (u/s 80C – 80U)
      • Various sections under Chapter VI-A of Income Tax Act, 1961
      • LTA, HRA, leave encashment, and gratuity exemptions
      • Deduction of interest on housing loan u/s 24(b)
    • Taxable Salary Calculation
      • Post exemptions and deductions
    Module 4: Allowances and Perquisites
    • Allowances under Section 10
      • Section 10(13A) – House Rent Allowance (HRA)
        • Calculation, salary definition, and tax implications
      • Section 10(14) – Special Allowances
        • Specific allowances like travel, uniform, and others, and their tax implications
    • Perquisites and Their Tax Implications
      • Types of Perquisites
        • Company car, accommodation, and other perks
      • Taxability and Valuation
        • Methods of valuation and taxation of perquisites
    Module 5: Fixed and Flexible Salary Structures
    • Fixed Salary Structure
      • Components of a fixed salary structure
      • Benefits and limitations
    • Flexible Salary Structure
      • Components of a flexible salary structure
      • Advantages of a flexible salary package
    Module 6: Payroll Processing and Reports
    • Payroll Processing Steps
      • Gathering payroll inputs, setting up employee information in payroll systems
      • Applying compliance rules and tax rates, calculation, and deductions
      • Verification and payroll checking
    • Claims and Reimbursement Management
      • Expense bill submission, medical and travel reimbursements
    • Attendance Management and Resignation
      • Time management, leave management, full and final settlements
    • Salary Register, Slips, Bank Transfers, MIS
      • Overview of salary slips, registers, MIS reports, bank transfers
    Detailed Breakdown Module 1: Overview of Payroll Management
    • HR Planning
      • Understanding workforce requirements, planning for employee transfers, and managing increments
    • Salary Components
      • Differentiating between fixed and variable components, bonuses, fees, commissions, and overtime payments
    • CTC Structure
      • Understanding the concept of Cost to Company (CTC), structuring CTC, and distinguishing between taxable and non-taxable components
    Module 2: Labour Law Statutory Compliances & Computation
    • PF and ESI
      • Detailed understanding of Provident Fund and Employee State Insurance contributions, calculation, deposit timelines, and compliance
    • Professional Tax and Labor Welfare Fund
      • State-wise slabs and applicability, payment procedures, and registration processes
    Module 3: Tax Calculation, Tax Saving Investments, Deductions, and Exemptions
    • TDS
      • Understanding income tax slabs, computation of TDS, and implications
    • Exemptions and Deductions
      • Exploring various exemptions and deductions under Chapter VI-A of the Income Tax Act, including Sections 80C to 80U
      • Detailed breakdown of HRA, LTA, leave encashment, and gratuity exemptions
    Module 4: Allowances and Perquisites
    • Section 10 Allowances
      • Detailed calculations and tax implications of HRA and special allowances under Section 10(13A) and 10(14)
    • Perquisites
      • Comprehensive understanding of various perquisites, their valuation, and tax implications
    Module 5: Fixed and Flexible Salary Structures
    • Salary Structures
      • Detailed analysis of fixed and flexible salary structures, components, benefits, and limitations
      • Designing a flexible salary package to meet organizational and employee needs
    Module 6: Payroll Processing and Reports
    • Payroll Processing
      • Step-by-step guide to payroll processing, from data collection to payroll checking and verification
    • Claims and Reimbursement Management
      • Managing medical and travel reimbursements, expense bill submissions, and processing
    • Attendance Management and Resignation
      • Effective time management and leave management practices, full and final settlement processes
    • Reporting and Documentation
      • Generating and maintaining salary registers, salary slips, MIS reports, and handling bank transfers
    • Overview of HR Management
      • Definition and importance
      • Key functions and responsibilities of HR
    • Role of an HR Generalist
      • Understanding the HR generalist role
      • Skills and competencies required
    • HR Department Structure
      • Organizational structure of HR departments
      • Collaboration with other departments

    Module a: Introduction to Talent Acquisition

    • Overview of Talent Acquisition

        • Definition and importance

        • Difference between talent acquisition and recruitment

    • Role of a Talent Acquisition Specialist

      • Key responsibilities and competencies

      • Skills required for success

    Module b: Workforce Planning and Strategy

    • Understanding Workforce Planning

        • Importance of workforce planning

        • Steps in the workforce planning process

    • Trends and Ratios in Workforce Planning

        • Identifying current trends in the labor market

        • Using ratios for effective workforce planning

    • Developing Talent Acquisition Strategies

        • Aligning talent acquisition with business goals

        • Techniques to ensure strategic alignment

    • Market and Competitor Analysis

      • Conducting market research

      • Analyzing competitor strategies

      • Using data for competitive analysis

    Module c: Detailed Sourcing Techniques

    • Introduction to Sourcing

        • Importance of sourcing in talent acquisition

        • Overview of different sourcing methods

    • Passive Sourcing

        • Identifying and engaging passive candidates

        • Techniques for building relationships with passive talent

    • LinkedIn Sourcing

        • Advanced search techniques on LinkedIn

        • Using LinkedIn Recruiter and other tools

        • Engaging with candidates on LinkedIn

    • GitHub Sourcing

        • Understanding GitHub as a platform

        • Techniques for sourcing developers on GitHub

        • Analyzing GitHub profiles and contributions

        • GitHub chrome tools
        • Github bulk scraping
    • Custom Search Engines (CSE)

        • Creating and using CSE for talent searches

        • Popular CSE sites and how to use them

        • Benefits and limitations of CSE

    • Chrome Extensions and Tools

        • Popular Chrome extensions for sourcing (e.g., LinkedIn Recruiter, Hunter, Lusha)

        • How to install and use these tools effectively

    • Web Scrapers

        • Introduction to web scraping for sourcing

        • Tools and techniques for web scraping (e.g., Octoparse, ParseHub)

        • Ethical considerations in web scraping

    • X-Ray Search Techniques

        • Understanding X-Ray searches for social media and websites

        • Performing X-Ray searches on LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, GitHub, and more

        • Crafting effective X-Ray search strings

    • Social Media Sourcing

      • Utilizing LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, GitHub, and other platforms for sourcing

      • Best practices for social media sourcing

      • Engaging with potential candidates on social media

    Module d: Recruitment Marketing

    • Designing Recruitment Campaigns

        • Creating compelling job ads

        • Utilizing multimedia and content marketing

    • Digital and Social Media Marketing

        • Using social media for recruitment

        • Search engine optimization (SEO) for job postings

        • Techniques for effective SEO in recruitment

    • Candidate Engagement

      • Engaging passive candidates

      • Building relationships with potential candidates

    Module e: Selection Process

    • Screening and Shortlisting

        • Resume screening techniques

        • Using applicant tracking systems (ATS)

    • Interviewing Techniques

        • Structured and unstructured interviews

        • Behavioral and competency-based interviewing

    • Assessment and Testing

      • Pre-employment assessments and tests

      • Evaluating candidate skills and fit

    Module f: Candidate Experience

    • Importance of Candidate Experience

        • Impact on employer brand

        • Enhancing the candidate journey

    • Communication and Feedback

        • Best practices for candidate communication

        • Providing constructive feedback

    • Onboarding New Hires

      • Designing an effective onboarding process

      • Integration and engagement of new employees

    Module g: Diversity and Inclusion in Talent Acquisition

    • Understanding DEI

        • Importance of diversity, equity, and inclusion

        • Legal and ethical considerations

    • Developing DEI Strategies

        • Creating inclusive job descriptions

        • Implementing unbiased recruitment practices

    • Promoting an Inclusive Culture

      • Strategies to foster an inclusive work environment

      • Addressing unconscious bias and promoting awareness

    Module h: Metrics and Analytics in Talent Acquisition

    • Key Metrics and KPIs

        • Tracking and measuring recruitment performance

        • Common talent acquisition metrics

    • Using Data for Decision Making

        • Leveraging analytics to improve recruitment strategies

        • Predictive analytics in talent acquisition

    • Reporting and Continuous Improvement

      • Creating and presenting recruitment reports

      • Using feedback for continuous improvement

    Module i: Technology and Talent Acquisition

    • Recruitment Technologies

        • Overview of applicant tracking systems (ATS)

        • Utilizing HR software and tools

    • Artificial Intelligence and Automation

        • Role of AI in talent acquisition

        • AI tools for sourcing, screening, and engagement (e.g., HireVue, Pymetrics,

        • Automating repetitive recruitment tasks

    • Generative AI and ChatGPT

        • Introduction to generative AI and its applications in recruitment

        • Using ChatGPT for candidate engagement, sourcing, and screening

        • Best practices for implementing generative AI in talent acquisition

    • Social Media and Digital Tools

        • Leveraging digital tools for recruitment

        • Emerging technologies in talent acquisition

    • Recruitment Dashboards

      • Designing and using recruitment dashboards

      • Key metrics to include in dashboards

      • Tools for creating and managing dashboards (e.g., Tableau, Power BI)

    Employee Engagement and Retention

    • Drivers of Employee Engagement
      • Job Satisfaction
        • Understanding the role of job satisfaction in engagement
        • Factors contributing to job satisfaction (work environment, job role, etc.)
      • Leadership and Management
        • The impact of leadership style on employee engagement
        • Best practices for effective management and leadership
      • Recognition and Rewards
        • Importance of recognizing and rewarding employees
        • Different types of recognition programs (monetary, non-monetary)
      • Career Development
        • Opportunities for growth and development as a driver of engagement
        • Creating career development plans for employees
      • Work-Life Balance
        • The importance of work-life balance in maintaining engagement
        • Implementing flexible work arrangements and policies
      • Communication and Feedback
        • Role of transparent and open communication
        • Establishing regular feedback mechanisms
    • Measuring and Improving Engagement
      • Employee Engagement Surveys
        • Designing and administering surveys to measure engagement
        • Key questions to include in engagement surveys
      • Focus Groups and Interviews
        • Conducting focus groups and interviews to gather qualitative data
        • Analyzing responses for actionable insights
      • Engagement Metrics and Analytics
        • Identifying key metrics to track engagement (e.g., employee NPS, turnover rates)
        • Using analytics tools to interpret data and identify trends
      • Action Planning
        • Developing action plans based on survey results and feedback
        • Implementing and tracking improvements
      • Continuous Improvement
        • Regularly updating engagement strategies based on feedback
        • Ensuring ongoing monitoring and adjustment
    • Engagement Models
      • The Aon Hewitt Engagement Model
        • Engagement Drivers
          • Employee value proposition, work environment, rewards and recognition, career opportunities
        • Engagement Outcomes
          • Say, Stay, Strive model: Employees speak positively about the organization, desire to remain, and put in extra effort
      • The Gallup Q12 Model
        • 12 Key Drivers of Engagement
          • Includes factors such as having the right materials and equipment, feeling cared for by managers, and opportunities for growth
      • The Zinger Model
        • Ten Blocks of Engagement
          • Building blocks such as community, meaningful work, and recognition
    • Types of Engagement Activities
      • Downward Engagement
        • Leadership Communication
          • Regular updates from leadership on company goals and performance
          • Town hall meetings, newsletters, and executive Q&A sessions
        • Feedback Mechanisms
          • Surveys, suggestion boxes, and direct feedback channels
      • Upward Engagement
        • Employee Voice Programs
          • Platforms for employees to share ideas and concerns
          • Involving employees in decision-making processes
        • Mentorship Programs
          • Pairing employees with mentors to provide guidance and support
      • Horizontal Engagement
        • Team Building Activities
          • Activities that promote teamwork and collaboration
          • Social events, team challenges, and group projects
        • Cross-Functional Projects
          • Encouraging collaboration between different departments
          • Projects that require input and cooperation from various teams
    • Retention Strategies
      • Identifying Retention Risks
        • Recognizing early signs of disengagement and turnover risk
        • Using data and analytics to identify at-risk employees
      • Developing Retention Programs
        • Creating targeted retention programs for high-risk groups
        • Strategies for increasing loyalty and reducing turnover
      • Mentorship and Career Development
        • Implementing mentorship programs to support employee growth
        • Providing clear career progression paths
    • Employee Value Proposition (EVP)
      • Creating a Compelling EVP
        • Defining the key elements of an EVP
        • Aligning the EVP with organizational values and culture
      • Communicating and Promoting EVP
        • Effectively communicating the EVP to current and prospective employees
        • Using EVP in recruitment marketing and employer branding
      • Measuring the Impact of EVP
        • Assessing the effectiveness of the EVP in attracting and retaining talent
        • Continuously refining the EVP based on feedback and results


    Employee Onboarding Process

    1. Pre-Onboarding Preparation
      • Paperwork and Documentation
        • Collecting necessary documents (e.g., ID proof, employment contracts, tax forms)
        • Setting up employee profiles in HR systems
      • Welcome Kit
        • Preparing a welcome kit (company handbook, benefits information, company swag)
        • Providing necessary equipment and access credentials (e.g., laptop, email accounts)
    2. Day One Orientation
      • Introduction to the Company
        • Company history, mission, values, and culture
        • Overview of organizational structure and key personnel
      • Workplace Tour
        • Familiarizing new hires with the office layout, facilities, and amenities
      • Meeting the Team
        • Introducing new hires to their colleagues and managers
        • Conducting team-building activities to facilitate integration
    3. Training and Development
      • Initial Training Sessions
        • Job-specific training and role expectations
        • Overview of tools and systems used
      • Compliance and Safety Training
        • Mandatory compliance training (e.g., data protection, workplace safety)
        • Company policies and procedures
      • Buddy System
        • Assigning a mentor or buddy to new hires for support and guidance
        • Regular check-ins and feedback sessions with the buddy
    4. 30-60-90 Day Plan with SMART Goals
      • 30-Day Plan
        • Orientation and Learning
          • Learning about the company, culture, and job responsibilities
          • Setting short-term goals for initial learning and adaptation
        • SMART Goals
          • Specific: Complete all mandatory training sessions
          • Measurable: Attend and pass all compliance tests
          • Achievable: Schedule one-on-one meetings with team members
          • Relevant: Understand the company’s mission and values
          • Time-bound: Achieve within the first 30 days
      • 60-Day Plan
        • Integration and Contribution
          • Beginning to contribute to team projects and meetings
          • Developing relationships with colleagues and stakeholders
        • SMART Goals
          • Specific: Participate in at least two team projects
          • Measurable: Contribute to team meetings with actionable ideas
          • Achievable: Schedule regular check-ins with the manager
          • Relevant: Apply job-specific skills learned during training
          • Time-bound: Achieve within the first 60 days
      • 90-Day Plan
        • Independence and Performance
          • Taking full ownership of job responsibilities
          • Demonstrating competence and achieving performance benchmarks
        • SMART Goals
          • Specific: Complete a major project or task independently
          • Measurable: Meet or exceed performance benchmarks
          • Achievable: Receive positive feedback from the manager
          • Relevant: Contribute to achieving team objectives
          • Time-bound: Achieve within the first 90 days
    5. Ongoing Support
      • Regular Check-ins
        • Scheduling regular check-ins with managers and buddies
        • Addressing any questions or concerns
      • Continuous Feedback
        • Providing continuous feedback on performance and progress
        • Adjusting goals and expectations as needed
    6. Feedback and Evaluation
      • Collecting Feedback
        • Gathering feedback from new hires on their onboarding experience
      • Evaluating Onboarding Effectiveness
        • Measuring the success of the onboarding program
        • Making improvements based on feedback

    Employee Exit Process

    1. Resignation and Termination Procedures
      • Resignation Process
        • Accepting resignations and processing paperwork
        • Ensuring a smooth transition for the departing employee
      • Termination Process
        • Conducting terminations with sensitivity and legality
        • Managing the administrative aspects of termination
    2. Exit Interviews
      • Conducting Exit Interviews
        • Scheduling and conducting exit interviews
        • Asking relevant questions to gather meaningful feedback
      • Analyzing Feedback
        • Identifying patterns and trends in exit interview data
        • Using feedback to improve organizational practices
    3. Knowledge Transfer
      • Ensuring Continuity
        • Transferring knowledge and responsibilities to remaining team members
        • Documenting key information and processes
      • Succession Planning
        • Implementing succession plans for critical roles
        • Identifying and preparing potential successors
    4. Final Settlements
      • Processing Final Pay and Benefits
        • Calculating and disbursing final paychecks
        • Managing benefits termination and transition
      • Returning Company Property
        • Collecting company property (e.g., laptops, access cards)
        • Ensuring all assets are returned
    5. Post-Exit Follow-Up
      • Maintaining Alumni Relations
        • Keeping in touch with former employees
        • Leveraging alumni networks for future opportunities

    Employee Grievance Management


    Introduction to Grievance Management

    • Definition and Importance
      • Understanding what constitutes a grievance
      • Importance of effective grievance management
    • Types of Grievances
      • Common grievances in the workplace (e.g., discrimination, harassment, unfair treatment)

    Grievance Management Framework

    • Framework Overview
      • Steps involved in the grievance management process
      • Roles and responsibilities of HR and management
    • Establishing a Grievance Policy
      • Key components of an effective grievance policy
      • Communicating the policy to employees
    • Grievance Procedures
      • Formal and informal grievance procedures
      • Step-by-step process for handling grievances

    Grievance Handling Process

    • Step 1: Receiving a Grievance
      • Methods for lodging a grievance (e.g., written, verbal)
      • Initial response and acknowledgment
    • Step 2: Investigation
      • Conducting a thorough and unbiased investigation
      • Collecting and documenting evidence
    • Step 3: Resolution
      • Evaluating findings and determining appropriate actions
      • Communicating the resolution to the involved parties
    • Step 4: Follow-Up
      • Monitoring the situation post-resolution
      • Ensuring no retaliation and checking for ongoing issues

    Grievance Handling Committee

    • Role and Composition
      • Purpose and importance of a grievance handling committee
      • Selecting committee members (HR, management, employee representatives)
    • Committee Responsibilities
      • Reviewing grievances and ensuring fair investigation
      • Making recommendations for resolution
    • Committee Procedures
      • Regular meetings and case review processes
      • Ensuring confidentiality and impartiality

    Legal Aspects of Grievance Management

    • Understanding Employment Laws
      • Key employment laws relevant to grievance management (e.g., anti-discrimination laws, labor laws)
      • Legal rights and protections for employees
    • Compliance and Documentation
      • Maintaining proper documentation for legal compliance
      • Handling grievances in accordance with legal requirements
    • Role of Legal Counsel
      • When to involve legal counsel in the grievance process
      • Understanding the implications of legal advice and decisions

    Best Practices in Grievance Management

    • Building a Positive Workplace Culture
      • Promoting open communication and trust
      • Encouraging early resolution of issues
    • Training and Development
      • Providing training for managers and HR on handling grievances
      • Developing skills for effective conflict resolution
    • Continuous Improvement
      • Regularly reviewing and updating grievance policies and procedures
      • Gathering feedback to improve the grievance management process

    Case Studies and Practical Applications

    • Analyzing Real-World Scenarios
      • Examining case studies of grievance handling
      • Lessons learned from successful and unsuccessful grievance resolutions

    Indian Payroll & Taxation Program Course Syllabus

    Module 1: Overview of Payroll Management

    • Payroll Management Fundamentals
      • HR planning, employee transfer, and increment process
      • Income under the head salaries u/s 17(1) of Income Tax Act 1961
      • Salary components: fixed and variable, bonus, fees, commission, overtime payments
      • Payroll administration setup, CTC structure, taxable and non-taxable payments

    Module 2: Labour Law Statutory Compliances & Computation

    • Employee Provident Fund (PF)
      • Covered establishments, PF wages, contribution accounts, deposit dates
    • Employee State Insurance (ESI)
      • Covered establishments, wage limits, contribution rates, periods
    • Professional Tax (PT)
      • Applicability, state-wise slabs, calculator, payment, and registration
    • Labor Welfare Fund (LWF)
      • Applicability, state-wise rates, deposit procedures
    • Statutory Bonus and Gratuity
      • Applicability and computation

    Module 3: Tax Calculation, Tax Saving Investments, Deductions, and Exemptions

    • Tax Deduction at Source (TDS)
      • Income tax, slabs, and computation
    • Deductions (u/s 80C – 80U)
      • Various sections under Chapter VI-A of Income Tax Act, 1961
      • LTA, HRA, leave encashment, and gratuity exemptions
      • Deduction of interest on housing loan u/s 24(b)
    • Taxable Salary Calculation
      • Post exemptions and deductions

    Module 4: Allowances and Perquisites

    • Allowances under Section 10
      • Section 10(13A) – House Rent Allowance (HRA)
        • Calculation, salary definition, and tax implications
      • Section 10(14) – Special Allowances
        • Specific allowances like travel, uniform, and others, and their tax implications
    • Perquisites and Their Tax Implications
      • Types of Perquisites
        • Company car, accommodation, and other perks
      • Taxability and Valuation
        • Methods of valuation and taxation of perquisites

    Module 5: Fixed and Flexible Salary Structures

    • Fixed Salary Structure
      • Components of a fixed salary structure
      • Benefits and limitations
    • Flexible Salary Structure
      • Components of a flexible salary structure
      • Advantages of a flexible salary package

    Module 6: Payroll Processing and Reports

    • Payroll Processing Steps
      • Gathering payroll inputs, setting up employee information in payroll systems
      • Applying compliance rules and tax rates, calculation, and deductions
      • Verification and payroll checking
    • Claims and Reimbursement Management
      • Expense bill submission, medical and travel reimbursements
    • Attendance Management and Resignation
      • Time management, leave management, full and final settlements
    • Salary Register, Slips, Bank Transfers, MIS
      • Overview of salary slips, registers, MIS reports, bank transfers

    Detailed Breakdown

    Module 1: Overview of Payroll Management

    • HR Planning
      • Understanding workforce requirements, planning for employee transfers, and managing increments
    • Salary Components
      • Differentiating between fixed and variable components, bonuses, fees, commissions, and overtime payments
    • CTC Structure
      • Understanding the concept of Cost to Company (CTC), structuring CTC, and distinguishing between taxable and non-taxable components

    Module 2: Labour Law Statutory Compliances & Computation

    • PF and ESI
      • Detailed understanding of Provident Fund and Employee State Insurance contributions, calculation, deposit timelines, and compliance
    • Professional Tax and Labor Welfare Fund
      • State-wise slabs and applicability, payment procedures, and registration processes

    Module 3: Tax Calculation, Tax Saving Investments, Deductions, and Exemptions

    • TDS
      • Understanding income tax slabs, computation of TDS, and implications
    • Exemptions and Deductions
      • Exploring various exemptions and deductions under Chapter VI-A of the Income Tax Act, including Sections 80C to 80U
      • Detailed breakdown of HRA, LTA, leave encashment, and gratuity exemptions

    Module 4: Allowances and Perquisites

    • Section 10 Allowances
      • Detailed calculations and tax implications of HRA and special allowances under Section 10(13A) and 10(14)
    • Perquisites
      • Comprehensive understanding of various perquisites, their valuation, and tax implications

    Module 5: Fixed and Flexible Salary Structures

    • Salary Structures
      • Detailed analysis of fixed and flexible salary structures, components, benefits, and limitations
      • Designing a flexible salary package to meet organizational and employee needs

    Module 6: Payroll Processing and Reports

    • Payroll Processing
      • Step-by-step guide to payroll processing, from data collection to payroll checking and verification
    • Claims and Reimbursement Management
      • Managing medical and travel reimbursements, expense bill submissions, and processing
    • Attendance Management and Resignation
      • Effective time management and leave management practices, full and final settlement processes
    • Reporting and Documentation
      • Generating and maintaining salary registers, salary slips, MIS reports, and handling bank transfers

    Interested in Payroll Course?

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      Olivia Mitra


      Had an amazing learning experience!! The session was interactive and got to know many things.

      Er. Shilpa Miglani Narang


      Very nicely explained the entire POSH Act along with real life examples.

      Charuta Bhatt


      Wonderful experience while learning with Skill Desk.

      Sandeep king


      Excellent Faculty & Recommend for HRs who want build their career in Human Resources.

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      • Future-focused and human-centric
      • All the tools you need to level up your career

      Fee & Batch Details

      Invest in your future with affordable degree fees and flexible batch options

      Program Fee

      6500 INR

      Installment Plan

      No installment plan available for this program

      Batch Details

      Application Closure Date for September batch: 23 September 2024
      Date for 1st Class: 24 September 2024
      Course End Date: 01 October 2024
      Payment Partners
      Seats On First Come- First Serve Basis.

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      10 in 1 Program
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      HR Essentials Course Training Certification Process


      Counseling &

      Consult one of the counselors to enroll in the right batch. Register yourself for the HR Analytics Course


      Attend the Training in HR Analytics Course

      Attend the Instructor-Led Sessions of the HR Analytics Course and get your Course Completion Certification. Go Through the Recorded Sessions, in case you missed any topic or training


      Submission of Projects Assigned

      Submit the Hand-on Projects assigned during the training to the Trainers for Assessment and Certification


      Earn Certification

      Post Completion of the training, get Course Completion Certification of HR Analytics Course from The SkillDeck®


      Curriculum is specifically engineered to meet the expectations of leading tech companies.

      As the world of work evolves, so does the need for education related to labour law and workplace regulations in the HR domain. To that end, the SkillDeck

      Labour Law Certificate Course offers an overview of the various employment-related legal topics. It provides theoretical and practical knowledge and shows participants how to apply these concepts in their careers. By dissecting court decisions and analyzing current trends in labour law, participants can gain a deep understanding of the subject matter.

      • HR & Administration Personnel Office & Factory
      • Managers/Supervisors Legal & Secretarial Personnel
      • Payroll personnel Project managers & Supervisors Labour Law Practitioners
      • Finance professionals Owners of SMEs & business Establishment Directors, Businessmen, traders & senior management personnel of private limited companies professional.
      • Who deal or intend to deal with labour laws related matters Law, IT Professionals, CA, CS, Line Managers & Staff managers.

      The pedagogy is highly interactive, comprising case studies, interactive sessions, quizzes, assessments, class participation, presentations, project work, and class exercises imparted by SkillDeck  faculty to help participants gain the knowledge, understanding, and hands-on skills to immediately apply their learning in the workplace.

      Programme Fees: Fee is 14000 INR + 18% GST

      If you will pay a lump sum amount 15% discount is given if in installment then no discount on total cost. Instalment schedule

      1. Instalment I: INR 8,000 + GST, Deadline: Dec 31st, 2023
      2. Instalment II: INR 6000 + GST, Deadline: Jan 20, 2024

      This is an online instructor led course where trainer will teach you over zoom



      Yes skillDeck is a globally accredited firm with international accreditations and is also ISO, DIPP ,MSME registered under Indian laws so your certificate is globally accepted

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